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  • Isange Technology
    Isange Technology
    300,000+ Views/Month
  • Sobanuka Study
    Sobanuka Study
    35,000+ Views/Month
Isange Technology
300,000+ Views/Month

Isange Technology is a Tech Blog that shows How-Tos, product reviews, Tips & Tricks and other interesting topics in the world of technology, thoroughly in Kinyarwanda Language, as means of closing the gap between people who can use technology, and those who lack access to it in terms of knowledge of its usability.

The major audience of this blog are rwandans & burundians across the globe(mostly the residents), from all professions, since in this current era where information technology is leading the market, everyone is expected to have some general knowledge on technology.

Sobanuka Study
35,000+ Views/Month is an eLearning platform that provides most of its knowledge using the local language of Kinyarwanda, to bring all knowledge to crystal clarity. It offers some of the courses for free, and serves ads within those courses. Students view adverts prior to starting the lesson, and after finishing the lesson.
Guest Visitors also view adverts while reading the course description of free courses.
It offers course-targeted adverts, where you can choose to post adverts in a course that most-likely reflect your desired audience.